martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

Políticamente correcto.

Hay veces que es mejor hacer un alto en el camino e introducir un poco de humor en la un tanto depresiva temática del blog. Esta vez referido a lo políticamente correcto, uno de los mil trucos del NWO para enfrentar a los ciudadanos y hacerles perder el tiempo con nimiedades, para evitar que adviertan lo que está sucediendo y lo que se les avecina.

En España, en clave de humor, ha tocado el tema José Mota, en un "sketch" en el que imita a Antonio Hernando hablando en lenguaje inclusivo. Sí, ése en el que hay que abordar con papel de fumar el tema del género.

En Estados Unidos, el humorista más conocido que ha tocado el tema es "Larry the Cable Guy", en sus conocidos cuentos políticamente correctos. Os dejo con un vídeo sobre la fábula de Caperucita Roja -Little red riding hood-, que él ha rebautizado como "Vertically challenged native-american Riding Hood and the endangered wolf tale." (Y con mi intento de trasladarlo al castellano.).

"... El  cuento que anteriormente se llamaba “Caperucita Roja” ahora se llama "Caperucita Progresista y el Lobo en peligro de extinción."

Érase una vez una niña a quien llamaban Caperucita Progresista que decidió encaminarse hasta la casa de su cronológicamente avanzada abuela. En su camino se topó con un lobo, que recientemente había sido incluido en la lista de especies protegidas.

¿A dónde vas, Caperucita Progresista?”, dijo el Lobo.

Voy a la casa de mi abuela para celebrar una reunión conjunta.”

El Lobo indicó a Caperucita Progresista un atajo hacia la casa de su abuela.

Por desgracia, el atajo atravesaba un humedal protegido por el Gobierno Federal, así que Caperucita Progresista fue multada por alterar la estabilidad del frágil ecosistema.

Cuando por fin llegó a casa de la abuela, advirtió que tenía un aspecto muy diferente al que recordaba. Pero lo aceptó y celebró la diversidad.

"¡Qué ojos más grandes tienes, abuela!"

"¡Para verte y no juzgarte mejor!"

"¡Y qué dientes más grandes tienes!"

Para comerte mejor, pero no puedo porque soy vegana y además tengo síndrome de intestino irritable.”

"… Síndrome de intestino irritable y ni siquiera se la comió… … Os juro que este libro está lleno de abraza-árboles y cuentos de erutadores de tofu…

Os contaré como termina el cuento. Entro en la casa de la abuela, le disparo al lobo, pota a la abuela, le bajo la capucha a Caperucita y nos enrollamos..."


  1. José Mota imitando a Antonio Hernando hablando en lenguaje inclusivoo de género:
  2. Snow White and the Seven Vertically Challenged Persons. Guillaume Ryder:
  3. Larry The Cable. Vertically challenged native-american Riding Hood and the endangered wolf tale:

domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017

Elizabeth Short, la dalia negra #1.

En una fría mañana de invierno, el 15 de enero de 1947, un niño en bicicleta iba a comenzar su tarea cotidiana repartiendo periódicos por las viviendas del Crenshaw Boulevard, en Los Ángeles. Poco después de las seis de la mañana vio pasar un viejo sedán negro, posiblemente un Ford, que se paró junto al bordillo, en la calle Norton. No se daría cuenta hasta más tarde de lo que había visto en realidad, y entonces volvió sobre sus pasos para hablar con la Policía.

Cuatro horas y media más tarde, Betty Bersinger, una joven ama de casa, caminaba por la calle Norton hacia el centro comercial de Leimert Park empujando el cochecito de su hija Ann, de tres añitos, cuando a la altura del cruce de las calles 39 y Norton observó en un solar cubierto de hierbajos lo que en un principio le pareció un maniquí cortado en dos, de cara tan blanca como la cera, plagado de moscas. Cuando advirtió que se trataba de un cadáver, "Fue un golpe terrible y me llevé un susto de muerte. Agarré a Ann y caminamos a toda prisa hasta la casa con teléfono más cercana". Una vez allí, Betty llamó a la Policía, que ni siquiera le preguntó su nombre y extraviaría el número de teléfono. Eran las 10:54 de la mañana. La casa en cuestión era la segunda de la calle Norton una vez cruzada la calle 39 y pertenecía a un doctor.

Betty Bersinger

El hallazgo

Poco después se presentaban en la escena los agentes de policía Will Fitzgerald y Frank Perkins, que comprobaron que el cadáver, completamente desnudo, estaba cortado en dos justo por encima de la región umbilical. Era una mujer joven, casi una adolescente.

Su cara estaba cortada de oreja a oreja, le habían amputado uno de los pechos y el otro presentaba una gran laceración. La mitad inferior tenía una enorme herida a la altura de la vejiga y su zona púbica, casi sin vello, estaba cubierta de cortes. Las piernas estaban separadas y en el muslo izquierdo había otra enorme herida con pérdida de sustancia, poco más arriba de la rodilla. Los brazos estaban doblados más o menos en ángulo recto y dirigidos hacia arriba. Tenía un montón de contusiones, indicando que había sido apaleada, así como marcas de ataduras en cuello, muñecas y tobillos.

No había sangre en el cuerpo, ni siquiera coagulada, ni en los alrededores, y tampoco rezumaba líquido alguno de ninguna de las mitades del cuerpo. La piel de lo que parecía haber sido una hermosa joven era blanca como la nieve.

Aggie Underwood en la zona del hallazgo

Entonces llegó el primer miembro de la prensa. Se trataba de la conocida reportera Agnes "Aggie" Underwood, del Herald Express. Cuando observó el cuerpo palideció mortalmente. "¡Dios bendito! ¡La han cortado en dos! ¿Por qué demonios iba alguien a hacer algo así?"

Aggie pidió permiso para hacer algunas fotos, y Perkins no puso ninguna objeción. "De todos modos lo ibas a hacer, pero gracias por preguntar". Underwood describiría más tarde el crimen como "sadismo de la peor especie", indicando que la joven había recibido una paliza brutal, ya que tenía cortes y hematomas en el rostro y le faltaban los dientes frontales.

Luego se presentaron en la escena el reportero Will Fowler y el fotógrafo Felix Paegel, del diario Los Angeles Examiner. Fowler cerró los ojos de la víctima.

El periódico publicaría un cuestionario al día siguiente para intentar identificar a la desconocida. "¿Conoce a una chica desaparecida que se mordía las uñas? Si es así, podría ser la víctima de la mutilación de ayer. La descripción de la chica muerta es la siguiente:
Edad - Entre 15 y 16 años.
Peso - 63 kilos.
Ojos - Azul grisáceo o azul verdoso.
Nariz - Pequeña y respingona.
Orejas - Lóbulos pequeños.
Pestañas - Prácticamente albinas.
Cabello - Tenido con henna, con raíces de color castaño oscuro.
Tamaño del pie - 37.
Uñas de los pies - Barnizadas de rosa.
Cicatrices - De nueve cm. en el lado derecho de la espalda, de una operación; de cuatro cm. en el lado derecho del abdomen, probablemente de una apendectomía; de vacunación, en el muslo izquierdo; una pequeña en la rodilla izquierda y otra encima de la rodilla.
Lunares - Seis pequeños en el dorso del cuello; otro en la espalda a la altura de la cintura.
Descripción general - Bien desarrollada, huesos delicados y piernas depiladas."

El agente Perkins se dirigió a la cabina más cercana y se puso al habla con el Capitán Jack Donahoe, de la Central de Homicidios. "Parece haber sido estrangulada y colgada cabeza abajo, con el objetivo de drenar la sangre. Es lo peor que he visto en toda mi vida, Jack, y temo que este loco esté colgando a otra ahora mismo."

Cubrieron el cadáver con trozos de periódico para protegerlo del sol, hasta que tan sólo quedaron al descubierto las uñas de los pies, pintadas de rojo.

Ray Pinker, director del laboratorio criminalístico, indicó que el torso había sido colocado boca abajo al principio, pero después lo habían situado boca arriba. La muerte había sido causada probablemente por los golpes en la cabeza asestados por un objeto romo, así como por las laceraciones de la cara. Estimó que la data de la muerte, sin haber tomado la temperatura rectal, debía remontarse diez horas atrás, y que la mayor parte de las demás heridas habían sido realizadas post-mortem.

Más tarde, el forense Sears describió a la víctima. "Cincuenta y dos kilos de peso, de complexión delgada, nariz menuda, barbilla redonda, cejas castañas, delicada, dentadura en mal estado, ojos verde grisáceos y edad estimada entre quince y treinta años." Se determinó que su estatura era de un metro sesenta y siete centímetros, tomando medidas de ambas partes del cadáver, que había sido seccionado entre la segunda y tercera vértebras lumbares.

En la sala de autopsias suturaron el corte de oreja a oreja del rostro y tomaron las huellas digitales. El departamento fotográfico del diario L.A. Examiner las envió a Washington con su máquina "soundphoto" -un rudimentario precursor del fax, que se utilizaba en aquellos tiempos- y el FBI se hizo cargo de la búsqueda. A pesar de que faltaban dos de las huellas y otras tres estaban borrosas, se consiguió el milagro en tan sólo 56 minutos, a pesar de que el fichero de huellas del FBI contaba con 104 millones de registros. El nombre de la desconocida Jane Doe 1 era Elizabeth Short, nacida en Hyde Park, Massachussets, el 29 de julio de 1924, por lo que tenía tan sólo 22 años. No obstante, en la ficha constaba que sus ojos eran de color azul. La joven había sido fichada por consumir alcohol siendo menor de edad.

La investigación del crimen se confió a los detectives Harry Hansen y Finis Brown, del Departamento de Policía de Los Angeles.

Días después los investigadores descubrirían que en Hollywood conocían a Short con el apodo de "la dalia negra." Los soldados de la zona la llamaban así porque en aquella época estaba de moda la película "The blue dahlia" -protagonizada por el diminuto e inexpresivo Alan Ladd y la misteriosa y todavía más diminuta Veronica Lake, poseedora de una estilosa melena rubia "peekaboo hairstyle" que caía en cascada sobre sus hombros- y a Elizabeth le gustaba vestir de negro y teñirse el pelo del mismo color.

En la célebre película "El Padrino", el capo mafioso Vito Corleone envía a su hijo adoptivo Tom Hagen a Hollywood -precisamente a Hollywood- para convencer a Jack Woltz, un importante jefe de un estudio cinematográfico, para que le de un papel en su nueva película a Johnny Fontane, un actor y cantante ahijado de Vito, prometiéndole que si así lo hace se ocuparán de evitar que tenga problemas sindicales.

Tras cenar y mostrar a Hagen su preciado caballo de carreras "Khartoum" -valorado en 600.000 dólares-, Woltz se niega aduciendo que Fontane había arruinado a una de sus actrices, que podría haber sido una estrella, en la que había invertido un montón de tiempo y dinero. Hagen se despide, añadiendo que cuando a Vito Corleone se le niega un primer favor, no solicita un segundo.

Esa misma noche, el soldado mafioso Rocco Lampone se cuela en los establos de Woltz y decapita al caballo Khartoum, cuya cabeza coloca bajo las sábanas y al pie de la mismísima cama del productor, que la descubre horrorizado al despertarse al día siguiente.

Huelga decir que Fontane consigue el papel...

El 23 de enero, Agnes Underwood escribió en el Herald Express un artículo titulado “¿Se unirá la ‘Dalia’ al álbum de crímenes sin resolver?”, refiriéndose a los casos de Ora MurrayGeorgette Bauerdorf y Gertrude Evelyn Landon. “Los hombres lobo dejan un rastro de asesinatos de mujeres en Los Angeles. En el álbum sangriento de asesinatos sin resolver, secuestros y crímenes contra las mujeres en general, puede que la policía de Los Ángeles tenga que añadir una nueva página, «el misterio del sádico homicidio de Elizabeth Short –la dalia negra.» Hasta ahora todas las pistas han sido infructuosas. El misterio de éste último asesinato, que ha provocado la mayor mobilización de expertos criminalistas en la historia de la ciudad, es el último de una larga lista. El hallazgo de su cuerpo descuartizado había sido precedido por otros horribles hallazgos de mujeres asesinadas por lujuria, venganza o causas desconocidas.”

Underwood, encargada de cubrir el caso Short para el Herald Express, fue más tarde misteriosamente apartada del tema por el conocido procedimiento de la "patada hacia arriba", nombrándola Editora Jefe del periódico. Quizás llevaba demasiado adelantada la investigación o puede que los responsables del diario descubrieran de repente las grandes cualidades de Underwood, o se la recomendara alguien, nunca se sabe.

Aggie Underwood

Aggie Underwood y Micky Cohen, mafioso asociado con Meyer Lansky y Bugsy Siegel

Muchos años después de cerrarse el caso, Aggie le dijo a sus nietos que sabía quién había asesinado a Elizabeth Short. Pero cuando le pidieron que revelara el nombre, Aggie repuso: "Ha muerto y ya no importa."


LAPD summary of the crime scene

At 11:05 a.m. January 15, 1947, a call was received by the Complaint Board from a woman who did not identify herself that there was a woman down in a vacant lot on Norton Avenue between 39th Street and Coliseum in the middle of the block, west side.

At 11:07 a.m., a radio car was dispatched to the scene, officers F.S. Perkins, #4057, and W.E. Fitxgerald, #3940, who found the body and called the University Detective Division, Officers S.J. Lambert, #2359, and J.W. Haskins, #892, responded to the call.

Capt. Jack Donahoe, Homicide Division, was notified. The call car was out on a natural dead body on Westmoreland Avenue so officer Marty J. Wynn, Homicide Division, was dispatched to the scene. Capt. Donahoe then telephoned the adress where the call car, operated by Sgt. A.A. Brown, #248, and Harry L. Hansen, #859, of Homicide Divison, was located. They responded to the call, arriving at the scene at 11:30 a.m. Upon the arrival of the Sgt. Brown and Hansen who were assigned to the case, they found present officers Perkins and Fitzgerald, Lt. Paul Freestone, Det. Lt. Jack Haskins, Sgts. Wynn and Vaughn, Forensic Chemist Ray Pinker, photographer Laursen from Sci. Investigation Division, and representatives and photographers from the newspapers. Pictures had been taken by the newspapers of the body. They were later joined by Lt. Leland V. Jones of the Scientific Investigation Division.

The body was that of a white, female, American, aproximately 20 years of age, 5'6'' tall, weighing 115#, brown reddish hair recently hanned, green eyes, fingernails bitten down to the quick. The body was nude; there was no jewelry on the body. There were no women's clothes found in the vicinity. The post mortem condition of the body revealed no indication of rigor mortis. The body was lying on its back, head to the north and feet to the south, on the west side of Norton Avenue, aproximately 2 ft west of the sidewalk. The body was just south of a paved driveway approach to this lot which is the first driveway north of the center block fire plug. The body had been cleanly severed at the middle line and the lower half was lying about 1 ft to the south of the upper half, the upper half being slightly off line to the west of the lower half. Both parts of the body were lying absolutely flat with protruded entrails of the lower half lying under the buttock.

There was a marked post mortem lividity on the top side of both parts indicating that the deceased had lain on her front side of face for some period immediately following death. The body was comparatively free of blood stains or smears which indicated it had been washed off some time after death. There were several fibres which were recovered and turned over to Mr. Pinker, which appeared to be bristles from a stiff brush. (Later identified as cocoa fibres by Scientific Investigation Division.) Those were adhered to the body, particularty in the pubis region and points of mutilation which included several lacerations on the forehead which appeared to have been inflicted by a blunt instrument; laceration left breast; laceration right breast, top of which appeared to have been removed.

The area covered by pubic hair was slashed in criss-cross fashion and scarcity of hair gave rise to the opinion it had been cut off rather close to the skin. There was also a sort of tic-tac-toe design on the right hip. The mouth was badly slashed approximately 3'' each way from the corner and the upper lip was deeply lacerated on the right-hand side. There were strangulation marks on the neck and definite rope or tie marks on both lower legs and arms.

From lack of blood stains around and under the body, it was definitely concluded she was killed elsewhere. Police photographs of the body and measurements were taken by Laursen and Pinker, as well as photographs of a tire track at the curb line at point opposite where the body was found.

Upon removal of the body by Coroner's Deputies, it was found that the grass underneath the body was still wet with dew, indicating that the body had been placed there after dew fell in the early morning hours. The Federal Weather Bureau, Chronological Department, was contacted. It was found that on the early a.m. of January 15, 1947, it was 38 degrees, dew point 27, temperature the same at 2:00 to 6:00 a.m., possible dew forming at 2:00 a.m. in low areas. This temperature will not create heavy dew.

Immediately after arrival at the County Morgue, police photographs were made of the body and fingerprints were taken. A search of the records failed to establish identification and a Dead Body Report was made under Jane Doe #1.


  1. John Gilmore. Severed: the true story of the Black Dahlia.
  2. William T. Rasmussen. Corroborating Evidence III.
  3. Roger Harrington. Black Dahlia: The story of America's most gruesome murder.
  4. Don Wolfe. The Black Dahlia Files.
  5. Steve Hodel. Black Dahlia Avenger: A Genius for Murder: The True Story.
  6. Black Dahlia. Rick Geary.
  7. The Black Dahlia Murder:
  8. Deranged L.A. Crimes:
  9. The Black Dahlia: One of the Most Brutal Murders on Record:
  10. The Crime Scene. A Morning to Remember:
  11. Did L.A.’s Top Crime Reporter of the 1930s and ‘40s Crack the Black Dahlia Case?:
  12. Shining a Spotlight on Tough-As-Nails L.A. Crime Reporter Agness Underwood:
  13. Agness Underwood: First Lady of the Newsroom:
  14. The First with the Latest! Aggie Underwood, the Los Angeles Herald, and the Sordid Crimes of a City:
  15. The Black Dahlia: Aggie Gets Off the Bench:
  16. Agness “Aggie” Underwood, the queen of the LA crime beat:
  17. The Black Dahlia: It takes a woman to give America’s most notorious murder victim a voice:
  18. Tere Tereba. Mickey Cohen. The life and crimes of L.A.'s notorius mobster.

viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

Oprah Winfrey y Vicki Polin.

El uno de mayo de 1989, en uno de los programas de la conocida presentadora norteamericana Oprah Winfrey (The Oprah Winfrey Show), participó una mujer a la que se presentó simplemente como "Rachel". Se trataba de Vicki Polin, que en el transcurso de su intervención afirmó que había sufrido abusos sexuales cuando era tan sólo una niña y que sus padres la habían introducido en rituales de adoración del demonio y sacrificios de niños. Y que ella misma había participado en uno de ellos, obligada por la secta.

La polémica surgió cuando Winfrey mencionó que "Rachel" provenía de una familia judía. Minutos más tarde, "Rachel" comentó que residían en Chicago y que el libro místico "Lilith's cave" contenía material relacionado con lo que había tenido que sufrir en su niñez.

Tanto el artículo del "New York Times" en el que se comentan las protestas de la comunidad judía como la transcripción parcial del show de Oprah Winfrey (curiosamente titulado "Mexican cult murders" -crímenes rituales mejicanos-), estaban pendientes de su traducción al castellano para su posterior publicación en un post. Pero, como en tantos otros casos, la actualidad manda y por diversos motivos esta tarea nunca llegó a realizarse.

No sé si alguna vez tendré tiempo de terminarlo. Mientras tanto lo presento a los lectores en su versión original por si fuera de interés. Toda vez que puede que ciertos comentarios del programa nos resulten familiares cuando abordemos un próximo post.

Winfrey Show Evokes Protests
Published: May 6, 1989

Hundreds of television viewers and the leaders of several Jewish and civil-liberties organizations have protested allegations on a popular talk show this week that some Jews practice ritual killing of children.

The allegations were made by a guest using the pseudonym Rachel on ''The Oprah Winfrey Show,'' the fifth most widely viewed syndicated talk show in the country.

During the program, broadcast Monday, Ms. Winfrey introduced the guest as someone who was undergoing long-term psychiatric treatment for multiple personality disorder. The woman told Ms. Winfrey that she had witnessed the ritual sacrifice of Jewish children and had been a victim of ritualistic abuse. The guest also said of such practices: ''There's other Jewish families across the country. It's not just my family.'' The assertions were made during a program that focused on the cult murders of at least 13 people whose bodies were found last month near Matamoros, Mexico.

The woman's comments provoked hundreds of angry phone calls and letters to Jewish and civil liberties groups, spokesmen for the groups said in interviews yesterday. They said viewers also contended that Ms. Winfrey did not challenge the woman's statements sufficiently. Inflaming Prejudices

''We have grave concern about both the lack of judgment and the insensitive manipulation of this woman, who is clearly mentally ill, in a manner which can only inflame the basest prejudices of ignorant people,'' said Rabbi David Saperstein, the director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington.

Jeffrey Jacobs, the chief operating officer of Ms. Winfrey's production company, Harpo Productions Inc., denied that Ms. Winfrey had acted irresponsibly in broadcasting the interview since she had emphasized on the show that the guest spoke only for herself. He added that Ms. Winfrey and her producers would meet with representatives of the Jewish and civil liberties groups next week in Chicago, where the show is taped.

Mr. Jacobs said the sole purpose of the program was to call attention to what happened in Mexico. ''Oprah pointed out that this is one particular person talking about her particular situation,'' he said, ''and she was identified at the top of the show as being mentally disturbed.'' Assertions Were Unexpected

''We are aware that the show has struck a nerve,'' Mr. Jacobs said. ''Under no circumstances do we believe there was any attempt to tie what this woman said she witnessed to the Jewish religion.'' Ms. Winfrey was traveling yesterday, Mr. Jacobs said, and was not available to comment.

A spokeswoman for the program, Christine Tardio, said yesterday that the producers were satisfied that the guest's claim that she had been a victim of abuse was true. But Ms. Tardio said that she could not ascertain whether the producers of the show had verified that the guest was Jewish. Ms. Tardio also said that no one could have predicted what other assertions the guest would make on the show.

Early in the interview Ms. Winfrey said, ''This is the first time I heard of any Jewish people sacrificing babies, but anyway - so you witnessed the sacrifice?''

The woman responded: ''Right. When I was very young, I was forced to participate in that, and which I had to sacrifice an infant.''

The guest was repeatedly identified by Ms. Winfrey as being Jewish. At one point, the woman asserted that ritual sacrifices occurred in other Jewish families around the country, that they were known to the police and that such sacrifices had taken place in her own family since the 1700's. During the interview, Ms. Winfrey said, ''I want to make it very clear that this is one Jewish person, so don't go around now, saying to people, you know, 'Those Jewish people, they're worshipping...' This is just one person.''

But many viewers felt that the guest made unchallenged assertions of a link between Judaism and ritual sacrifice. Freedom and Responsibility

Jeffrey P. Sinensky, director of the civil rights division of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, called the program ''potentially devastating'' and said his group, which fights anti-Semitism and racism, had received hundreds of calls. The show is seen in 7,680,000 homes around the country, according to the A. C. Nielsen Company.

On Tuesday, Mr. Sinensky wrote to Debra DiMaio, the executive producer of ''The Oprah Winfrey Show,'' and said his organization strenuously objected to the program. He said his letter challenged the appropriateness of the participation of a mentally disturbed person. ''Many people view such a program and may walk away from the show reinforcing negative stereotypes,'' he said.

Arthur J. Kropp, the president of People for the American Way, a civil liberties group, said the board of his organization had discussed the show. ''We're concerned about free expression issues,'' Mr. Kropp said in an interview yesterday. ''I think what happened here demonstrates how the freedom has to be married to responsibility. There's been a lot of concern about so-called trash TV. I think this demonstrates why there's some concern. When these programs get into these issues, they've got be very careful. Oprah was the one who introduced the religion. I don't think she introduced it to convey any correlation between the woman's Jewishness and what she saw, but nevertheless she did do it and that was careless. I don't question her motive. They weren't prepared enough.''

MAY 1, 1989


OPRAH: As a child, my next guest was used also in worshipping the devil, participated in human sacrifice rituals and cannibalism. She says her family has been involved in rituals for generations. She is currently in extensive therapy, suffers from multiple personality disorder, meaning she's blocked out many of the terrifying and painful memories of her childhood. Meet "Rachel," who is also in disguise to protect her identity.


OPRAH: You come from generations of ritualistic abuse?

"RACHEL": Yes, my family has an extensive family tree, and they keep track of who's been involved and who hasn't been involved, and it’s gone back to like 1700.

OPRAH: And so you were ritually abused.

"RACHEL": Right. I was born into a family that believes in this.

OPRAH: Does everyone else think it's a nice Jewish family? From the outside, you appear to be a nice Jewish girl?

"RACHEL": Definitely.

OPRAH: And you all are worshipping the devil inside the home?

"RACHEL": Right. There's other Jewish families across the country. It's not just my own family.

OPRAH: Really? And so who knows about it? Lots of people now.

"RACHEL": Oh, I talked to a police detective in the Chicago area, and several of my friends know, and I've spoke publicly before, and…

OPRAH: So when you were brought up in this kind of evilness, did you just think it was normal?

"RACHEL": I blocked out a lot of the memories I had because of my multiple personality disorder, but, yes. I mean, it's like if you grow up with something, you think it’s normal. I always thought something…

OPRAH: So what kinds of things? You don't have to give us the gory details, but what kinds of things went on in the family?

"RACHEL": Well, there would be rituals in which babies would be sacrificed, and you would have to, you know…

OPRAH: Whose babies?

"RACHEL": There were people who bred babies in our family. No one would know about it. A lot of people were overweight, so you couldn't tell if they were pregnant or not, or they would supposedly go away for awhile and then come back…


"RACHEL": The other thing I want to point out not all Jewish people sacrifice babies. I mean, it's not a very typical thing.

OPRAH: I think we kind of know that.

"RACHEL": I just want to point that out.

OPRAH: This is the first time I heard of any Jewish people sacrificing babies, but anyway--so you witnessed the sacrifice.

"RACHEL": Right. When I was very young, I was forced to participate in that-- in which I had to sacrifice an infant.

OPRAH: And the purpose of sacrifice is to what? Is to bring you what? What are you sacrificing for?

"RACHEL": For power...

OPRAH: Power. And so were you ever used? Were you ever used yourself?

"RACHEL": I was molested. I was raped several times.

OPRAH: What's your mother doing in all of this? What's her role in all of this?

"RACHEL": What is-- I'm not exactly- -what her role is-- I haven't, you know, recovered all of my memories, but her family was extremely involved. You know, she brought me to it. Both of my parents brought me to it.

OPRAH: And where is she now?

"RACHEL": She lives in the Chicago metropolitan area. She's on the human relations commission of the town that she lives in, and she's an upstanding citizen. Nobody would suspect her. Nobody would suspect anybody involved in it. There's police officers involved in it. There's, you know, doctors, lawyers, Indiana chiefs involved in it.

OPRAH: Are you kidding?

"RACHEL": I mean, it's not the person, you know, who looks scummy that's involved in it. It's someone who looks normal.…


OPRAH: Were you raised with a sense of right and wrong, “Rachel?”

“RACHEL": Yes. I mean, it’s like we, I had both. I mean, to the outside world, everything we did was proper and right, and then there were the nights that things changed, that things just got turned around. What was wrong was right, and what was right was wrong. That’s what helps to create some of the… to develop MPD.

OPRAH: Multiple personality disorder.

“RACHEL”: Right, right…


OPRAH: I know a lot of people are shaking their heads here, and I'm sure that when you go back home, I mean, everyone's going to try to make you look like you're crazy.

"RACHEL": Oh, definitely.

OPRAH: Absolutely.

"RACHEL": They do that all the time.

OPRAH: It's very difficult to believe, so how is it that you come to believe these people, Tina?

Ms. GROSSMAN: Well, I've treated over 40 survivors of ritual abuse. Adult patients with multiple personality disorder, and from many states in this country as well as Canada. What we've seen and heard and gone through in the abreactions which is the remembered experiences of that- we are hearing the identical same things from these adults. Okay. These are not children that are three years old, and you can, as an adult, perhaps rationalize that this is fantasy material. These adults are saying things. They have never met each other before. They are describing identical rituals, just the same as, since I'm Jewish, you could go to New York or California and describe a seder in one state or another and, as a Jew, you would recognize it. This is the belief system in evil and the power that evil gives you, and so it has these certain rituals, so they are very similar with all of the survivors.

OPRAH: See, but I am very surprised because the Jewish faith is the Jewish faith, and worshipping the devil is not a part of the Jewish faith. I mean, Jewish people do not worship the devil.

Ms. GROSSMAN: But before there was Christ and before there was a system of one God, there was Paganism, and it still exists in the world, and in many cultures, you still find the belief that there is strength and power in the actual consumption of human flesh or animals' flesh.

OPRAH: Now in your family, did you all call it worshipping the devil, "Rachel?”


OPRAH: Or did you…

"RACHEL": I don't know.

OPRAH: It was just evil. These things you did.

"RACHEL": It was right.

OPRAH: Right.

"RACHEL": Well, I said it was evil, and they said it was good. There's a book that I had just come across called Lilith's cave [Lilith's Cave: Jewish Tales of the Supernatural by Howard Schwartz, New York, Oxford University Press, 1988] which is a book of Jewish mysticism and supernatural, and there's a lot in that book that relates to what I endured when I was a child.

OPRAH: I want to stop right here, though. because you know how people build prejudices. I want to make it very clear this is one Jewish person, so don't go around now saying to people, you know, "Those Jewish people, they're worshipping'. This is just one person. Okay.

"RACHEL": Most Jewish people do not do what my family did.

OPRAH: Okay. Thank you very much.

"RACHEL": I mean, I don't know very many other Jewish people who would do what I did.

OPRAH: But you know how people hear one thing, and then go off and they say, "I heard on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' today that…”


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